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AustraliaA suspected murder-suicide at a Queensland residence claimed the lives of a...

A suspected murder-suicide at a Queensland residence claimed the lives of a man and a woman

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Police have confirmed that they were summoned several times last week to a home in Queensland, where there was a suspected murder-suicide that happened yesterday.

At approximately 5:30 p.m. yesterday, investigators discovered the remains of Martin Fowler, 46, and his aunt Lois Witt, 77, at a residence on Jambaroo Street in Albany Creek.

Mother Fowler, who is eighty-eight, was there at the house and was not hurt.

Police have stated there had been family disagreements but have confirmed there were no orders against domestic violence between the parties concerned.

Police Commissioner Steve Gollschewski stated, “We will review everything our officers have done and we are also looking at body video to see what has occurred in this instance.”

Detective Acting Superintendent Craig Williams stated that preliminary findings indicated the guy was a registered gun owner who killed his aunt by “discharging a number of shots” before “using the firearm on himself.”

Williams did not go into detail about the nature of the police visits to the residence before to the incident, but they had been made on multiple occasions.

Williams said at a press conference, “As you would appreciate, I can’t comment because the matter is an active coronial investigation.”

“All I can say is that during the previous week, police had multiple visits to the address and interactions with both parties. “

The matter is still under investigation, it would be inappropriate for me to comment on exactly what they were and what happened during those inquiries.”

The eighty-eight-year-old woman is assisting the authorities in their probe.

“This is a tragic incident and we are assisting the family to the best of our ability,” Williams stated.

Before 530 p.m. yesterday, anyone who heard or saw anything close to Jambaroo Street was asked to get in touch with the police.





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