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AustraliaMan looking for his ex-wife kills mother and daughter in Perth's west

Man looking for his ex-wife kills mother and daughter in Perth’s west

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

At before 4:30 p.m. yesterday, a man in a west Perth residence shot his mother and daughter before taking his own life.

This prompted police to launch a double murder-suicide inquiry.

Before he fired a gun at a house on Berkeley Crescent in Floreat at around 4.30 p.m. yesterday, Mark Bombara, 63, is thought to have been looking for his former companion, Gretl Petelczyc.

According to the police, the Bombara’s ex-partner was friends with 59-year-old Jennifer.

Although the man’s ex-partner was not present at the residence, according to the police, the two women—including Jennifer’s 18-year-old daughter—were “tragically” killed.

According to Mark News, the man’s ex-partner took up residence at her friend’s Floreat house.

According to WA Today, Bombara is thought to have visited the house after learning that his ex-partner had taken sanctuary there after their marriage had recently collapsed.

If any of the women were cable-tied at the time of the crime, police are looking into it.

Although Bombara was well-known to the police, there was no record of him becoming violent.

According to police today, he held a firearm licence in Washington.

Bombara’s Mosman Park neighbours reported that they had previously heard shouting emanating from the house.

The couple is thought to have split up as recently as last month.

Today, the police announced that Bombara’s ex-wife is assisting them in their probe.

Detective Inspector David Gorton described the situation as “distressing.”

“Any death is tragic, when you have a multiple murder it has that greater impact on the family, the friends, the first responders, and certainly the community at large,” he stated.

“We’re not treating this as a family violence matter.”

Police announced this morning that the 18-year-old passed away in the hospital this morning after being brought there in critical condition yesterday afternoon.

Before disclosing that he is related to the deceased, Perth Mayor Basil Zempilas posted a message on social media to the community about the “heartbreaking and unimaginable” loss.

“This is a shocking event which has left the local community stunned and in mourning,” he said.

As is so common in our community, my family was related to the mother and daughter who tragically lost their lives.

“To their family, friends and neighbours, please know the Floreat community is grieving with you and is here for you.”

Authorities reported that the Tactical Response Group and specialised detectives were among the many police resources that were sent to the region yesterday.

The cause of their deaths is still being looked into.

“WA Police will continue to provide support and assistance to the family, friends and first- responders affected by this tragic incident.”





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