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AustraliaA cross-your-legs statement made in the Queensland parliament causes a stir

A cross-your-legs statement made in the Queensland parliament causes a stir

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Sparked outrage in Queensland, a heckle of “cross your legs” was shouted during a heated and boisterous debate about pregnant mothers being sent to hospitals farther away.

After posting a video of the incident, an opposition MP was apparently considering legal action and was submitted to the Ethics Committee.

Yesterday, during her speech to parliament, Health Minister Shannon Fentiman was heckled by the Liberal National Party regarding advice for expectant women.

The “cross your legs” comment was made immediately after by Shadow Health Minister Ros Bates.

A government video of the event that was titled “close” rather than “cross” went popular on social media very fast, garnering over a million views.

Following the correction of the blunder, Fentiman expressed her insult and urged social media users to share the video.

“Whether it’s cross or close your legs, it’s still abhorrent, completely insulting, so if you have liked, commented or shared the video please do so again,” she stated in a post on X.

Bates claimed the omission of the debate’s background in the video was deceptive and that she and her office received a deluge of hate as a result.

She demanded that Fetiman remove it.

“I now ask that the incitement of these threats stop, and plead with the Health Minister to take down her misleading and deceitful videos,” she stated today in parliament. 

Fentiman angrily denied those accusations. She stated in parliament today, “The member for Mudgeeraba has made very strong allegations that I have incited threats of violence against her.”

“I reject that, I find it personally offensive and I ask the member to withdraw.” Rising to her feet, Bates declared herself a “victim” and declined to take back her accusation. 

Both sides’ MPs supported their respective colleagues. “It’s a pretty disgusting thing to throw at a woman in the chamber, and I think if you look at it in the context of all the awful things Ros Bates has said about Shannon Fentiman – they are unfair,” Steven Miles, the premier, said.

The Minister was charged by the Coalition with promoting cyberbullying. 

Tim Nicholls, the previous leader of the LNP, stated, “The health minister is being disgraceful, and the way it’s been handled is disgraceful.”

According to Tim Arvier, the political editor of Mark News Queensland, Bates was thinking of suing Fentiman for the video if it wasn’t taken down.

Bates was brought to the Ethics committee by Speaker Curtis Pitt for violating a long-standing political custom, which requires members to retract remarks they find objectionable from other members.

The remarks made by her opponent, who accused her of inciting the social media outcry, offended Fentiman.

The office of the health minister did not respond when asked if it will remove the video.





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