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AustraliaMother speaks following the death of a toddler in an apparent murder-suicide

Mother speaks following the death of a toddler in an apparent murder-suicide

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following the alleged murder-suicide, the mother of a youngster discovered dead in a unit on the Far North Coast of New South Wales on Monday has described the “incomprehensible grief” her family is experiencing.

On Monday at 9.45 p.m., Rowan, age two, and his 38-year-old father James were discovered dead at a unit on College Street in East Lismore.

Dr. Sophie Roome, Rowan’s mother, and her family issued a statement regarding her son’s passing today.

“Unfathomable sorrow befalls our family,” the statement said. “We lost our dear Rowan in the most unbelievable way.

“Rowan was a beloved little child who was lovely and joyous. “He possessed a great deal of fantastic talents, and his brief life was full of wonderful adventures.

He cherished his friends, family, the beach, swimming, and music. “Everyone who was fortunate enough to be in his world felt his presence.”

“A violent act of evil and cowardice committed by someone he should have been able to trust the most took Ryan’s life. “This injury cannot be justified, and the suffering it has brought about has no end in sight. “We are inconsolable. Rowan will always be loved and missed. “We acknowledge the enormous suffering experienced by James’ family and thank everyone who has shown support.

“Our family and friends will not be providing any other comments at this time.”

On Monday, the police stated that they thought the two had died in what they assumed to be a murder-suicide.

James worked for NSW Health as an employee.

The federal agency was forced to apologize today after it was purportedly one of its employees’ emails to workers referred to James as a “wonderful colleague and beloved friend.”

It is believed that the email was written a few days after the murder-suicide became widely known.

An NSW Health spokeswoman said in a statement, “NSW Health does not endorse and did not approve the inappropriate email sent by an individual staff member to a number of their colleagues.”

“The tragic events that unfolded in Lismore last weekend are having a profound impact on the community, including many of our staff members.”

“Our focus is on making sure support is available for staff members who need it during this difficult time and in the days and weeks to come.”





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