19.4 C

AustraliaA man found guilty of violating the AVO earlier now facing charges...

A man found guilty of violating the AVO earlier now facing charges of stabbing his ex

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Less than two weeks after being placed under mandatory supervision for violating a prior order to leave his ex-girlfriend alone, a guy is in detention on suspicion of stabbing her.

Anthony Monteleone made an appearance on Friday in a Sydney suburb court over charges of wounding with intent to murder and violating an order prohibiting the use of force against domestic abuse victims.

On April 29, the 45-year-old entered a guilty plea to two charges of violating an AVO.

The injunction was issued in order to safeguard the same 39-year-old lady who he is accused of stabbing in the back, neck, and ear on Wednesday outside of an Alexandria gym.

Through a video hookup from the Surry Hills police station, Monteleone appeared in Manly Local Court donning what looked to be a hospital gown.

Almost 24 hours after he allegedly waited for the woman outside Crunch Fitness before stabbing her with a kitchen knife, he turned himself in to police on Thursday.

After receiving repeated stabbing wound treatments from paramedics, she was transported to the hospital in a stable condition.

As his attorney informed the court that no bail application would be made, Monteleone merely spoke to acknowledge that he could hear.

The 45-year-old will stay in detention until the case is brought back before the court in July after Magistrate Robyn Denes formally denied bail.

She gave the court registry instructions to notify the State Parole Authority that she was going to cancel Monteleone’s April intensive corrections order.

He was given an 18-month community sentence that included supervision requirements, completion of a domestic abuse programme, and a vow to not conduct any more crimes.

Despite Monteleone’s admission to police during an interview that he did not read the terms of the AVO he had twice broken, the harsh corrections order was given.

Court filings state that among the infractions were contacting the woman seven times in a span of twelve minutes, leaving many voicemails from a private number, and sending her fourteen emails in a span of two days.

When she drove to a police station to report the violations, he denied following her.

After their eight-week relationship ended, the woman went to the AVO.





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