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AustraliaGrandma used a walker to repel a 'targeted' attack by an alleged...

Grandma used a walker to repel a ‘targeted’ attack by an alleged sexual predator

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

An ancient grandma from Melbourne has spoken up about how she used her walker to fight off a man who threatened to kill her in the stairs of her apartment building. He was accused of being a sexual predator.

Investigators surmise that the perpetrator, on April 1, exposed himself at approximately 2:00 pm after waiting for the woman to enter a lift on Simmons Street in South Yarra for 45 minutes.

Before sexually assaulting the grandma, the perpetrator is said to have followed her from the lift to a different floor of the building.

The victim added that after pleading for assistance, she dialled 911.

It is said that he said to her, “I come back and kill you.”

Before a bystander rescued her and scared him away, she used her walker to fight him off.

The widow spent a night in the hospital as he ran away from the scene.

After 25 years, the grandmother claimed she was too afraid to live alone and that she wished to relocate.

She expressed disappointment that the stairs where she was attacked was not equipped with cameras.

Detective Senior Constable Andrew Turton stated, “He propositioned her for a sexual act and offered money to her for that sexual act when he was in the lift with the victim.”

“This offence cannot be tolerated… The fact that it seems to be targeted is much more unsettling,” Turton added.

Police are trying to locate the man, therefore they have released CCTV.

The perpetrator is characterised as Asian-looking, in his mid-20s, approximately 180 cm tall, with short black hair that has been shaved and dishevelled facial hair.

When last seen, he was sporting black trousers and black trainers with the word “Jordan” printed on the back of a black hooded sweater.

The police have made available video footage of a man who they think could help them with their investigations.





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