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AustraliaThe 12-year-old girl's family feels "let down" by the crash that was...

The 12-year-old girl’s family feels “let down” by the crash that was purportedly caused by a hoon

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The family of a 12-year-old girl who died when her family’s car was struck by a suspected hoon close to Geelong claims they were let down by the legal system.

Mia Rossiter passed away on January 3rd, only moments after the horrific collision on the Hamilton Highway near Stonehaven.

When the incident allegedly happened, the accused motorist was wearing an ankle monitor and was on parole.

After the collision, her sister Willow, age seven, and parents Dani Rossiter, 36, and Paul Rossiter, 38, were all rushed to the hospital.

Paul, also referred to as PJ, was in the hospital for over three months after suffering injuries.
A “heart of gold, who (would) do anything for anyone” was how he characterized his tiny daughter.

“They were attempting to prepare her for recuperation. However, she was not answering,” Dani remarked.

“I knew something was wrong.”

According to police, the guy believed to be responsible for the collision was freed from jail last year after serving five and a half years for driving offenses.

Jordan Kenyon, 28, is accused of violating his parole, driving recklessly and causing death, and driving recklessly and seriously injuring others.

The Rosensiter family claims they have general reservations about the legal system, despite the fact that he hasn’t been tried or proven guilty of the charges.

They are requesting that the state government impose stricter guidelines for parole and bail. 

“Depression, despair, and anger. I don’t always want to get out of bed,” Dani remarked.

Kenyon is scheduled to appear tomorrow in Geelong Magistrates Court.





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