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AustraliaMan found dead, lady fighting for life north of Brisbane; gardener charged...

Man found dead, lady fighting for life north of Brisbane; gardener charged with murder

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following a “confronting” tragedy north of Brisbane, a man whose wife is struggling for her life has been charged with murder.

Detective Inspector David Harbison reported that Nick and Sue Reeves, who are both in their 70s, were discovered at their Bramston Court residence in Burpengary East this morning with severe head injuries.

Mr. Reeves passed away right away. After being transported to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital in a critical state, Mrs. Reeves spent the night there.

According to police, a 26-year-old Beachmere resident was taken into custody and charged with both murder and attempted murder tonight.

The police had earlier stressed that “this is not a domestic and family violence incident”.

According to Mark News, the man was employed by the couple’s neighbour while he was working on a neighbouring garden.

The 26-year-old was dispatched in place of their regular contractor because he was unavailable today.

If there were any tools or weapons used in the purported murder, police are looking into them.

“As I said it’s very early days in the investigation so we don’t have the full facts yet,” he stated.

“I’ll stress that this is not a domestic and family violence incident.”

The suspected killer, 26, was not resisting arrest even though he was metres away when police arrived on the scene.

For over thirty years, the couple has lived in Bramston Court.

Across the road at the time, Douglas Hutchings made a valiant attempt to assist Mrs. Reeves.

“I just helped the police officers and the ambulance officers put her on a gurney and put her in the ambulance,” Hutchings stated.

It’s understood that after the finding, a number of neighbours assisted the police.

The police officers present during the welfare check will get support.

“Unfortunately this is policing and it’s happening too often,” Harbison stated.

“Our first responders will make sure they’re okay and haven’t suffered too much trauma by getting them some assistance.

“The same goes for the Queensland Ambulance Service and the first responders that attend all of these incidents.”

Two residences are being searched by detectives and forensic teams.

If anyone has information or dashcam footage, police are encouraging those who were in the vicinity between 9 and 9.50 am to come forward.





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