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AustraliaCharged with thefts of premium cars and "post and boast" crimes are...

Charged with thefts of premium cars and “post and boast” crimes are two teenagers and one adult

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After it was claimed that two expensive cars were taken from Sydney’s northwest, two teenagers and one adult have been charged.

On Tuesday, April 16, between 3 and 3:45 a.m., a white convertible Ferrari and a BMW sedan were taken from a property on Old Northern Road in Dural.

At 11 a.m. on the same day, police discovered the cars parked outside a Doonside residence on Perigee Close.

On April 19, three days later, at two in the morning, it is said that a Mazda CX-9 was taken from Constitution Hill.

After seeing the vehicle on Prospect’s Richmond Road, police pursued it until it turned onto the Great Western Highway.

Later, at 2.30 am, that car was discovered abandoned on Doing Street in Northmead.

With the assistance of the Police Air Unit and Dog Squad, three persons were discovered in the bushland close to Hood Street in Northmead shortly after.

Two boys, ages 15 and 17, as well as an 18-year-old guy were detained and brought to the Merrylands Police Station.

Along with a violation of bail, the 15-year-old was charged with 15 charges of break and enter and 14 counts of stolen vehicle crimes.

Additionally, he was the first to face charges under the performance crime violation known as “post and boast” after disclosing the alleged offences on social media.

In an initial court appearance last week, he was denied bail; he is scheduled to return to Parramatta Children’s Court on Friday, April 26.

The 17-year-old is accused with aggravated theft, break-in, and break-in. 

Conditional bail was granted, and on Wednesday, May 19, he is scheduled to appear at Parramatta Local Court.

Moreover, break-in and theft charges were brought against the 18-year-old. He was given a bail with conditions.

At 9:40 p.m. on April 19, the same individual was taken into custody and charged with an additional 12 charges of aggravated break-ins, 10 counts of theft offences, and a post-and-bluster violation.

After being denied bail, he is scheduled to appear in Parramatta Local Court on Saturday, April 20. He’s scheduled to return to court on April 24.





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