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Australia12-man photographs were made public, leading to arrests while police investigated the...

12-man photographs were made public, leading to arrests while police investigated the Wakeley church incident

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following last week’s unrest that resulted from the stabbing deaths of a bishop and a priest in a western Sydney church, police have lowered the number of individuals they are looking for.

During his lecture on Monday, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was allegedly stabbed by a 16-year-old teenager.

According to authorities, the encounter resulted in injuries for both the teenager and a church priest.

Since then, the teenager faces charges related to acts of terror.

A sizable group of people congregated outside Wakeley’s Christ The Good Shepherd Church after the reported incident.

Following the violence, which resulted in multiple police officers being hurt, Commissioner Karen Webb promised to bring those allegedly at fault accountable.

NSW Police asked the public to assist in identifying the 12 males in photos they posted on Monday, saying they thought they could help with the investigation.

After many arrests, the number of men they were still looking for had dropped to 10 by Monday night.

Four men have been charged thus far for their roles in the violence.

Superintendent Andrew Evans announced that police had made public the pictures of the 12 males who had been picked out for what were perceived to be aggressive and violent behaviours.

Person A is characterised as having a medium build, Caucasian appearance, and two tattoos: a full tattoo sleeve on his left arm and a picture of Jesus Christ on his stomach.

He is shown with a black shirt wrapped around his face, dark shoes, a black belt, and black jeans that end at the ankle.

Person B has receding dark brown hair and a beard; they are regarded as having a Mediterranean or Middle Eastern appearance.

He is seen with a grey shoulder bag in his hand and is dressed in black shoes, grey slacks and black pullover.

Person C is characterised as having short black hair, a beard, and a Mediterranean or Middle Eastern appearance.

He is seen sporting dark jeans, white trainers and a grey V-neck shirt.

It is stated that Person D has a medium build.

He is seen sporting white shoes, black socks, grey shorts and a grey hooded sweatshirt.

Person E is characterised as having a strong frame, tan skin, a dark beard, and a Mediterranean or Middle Eastern appearance.

His outfit consists of a black singlet, grey cargo pants, white shoes and a Nike hat.

Person F is depicted with a crucifix in his left hand, a t-shirt on, and a watch and ring on his left.

It is said that Person G has a Middle Eastern or Mediterranean appearance.

He is seen with white shoes, a white cap, and a black jumper with yellow writing on it.

Person H is depicted holding a fire extinguisher and sporting a t-shirt.

Individual It is said that I have a beard and short, dark hair.

He is seen with a black shoulder bag, dark jeans and a hooded jumper on.

Person J is characterised as having a goatee, being bald, and having a hefty build.

He is seen with writing encircling the collar of a dark jumper.

The description of Person K includes a black beard and braided hair.

He is seen sporting tracksuit bottoms, socks with slides and a black hooded sweatshirt.

Person L is depicted with light-colored shorts, dark shoes, and a dark singlet.





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