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AustraliaEx-partner accused of young mother's "brutal, horribly violent" murder

Ex-partner accused of young mother’s “brutal, horribly violent” murder

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

According to authorities, a man killed his ex-partner, a young single mother, in what they called a “brutal” and “terribly violent” episode of domestic abuse.

After Molly Ticehurst, a 28-year-old teacher’s assistant, was found dead at a home in the adjacent town of Forbes this morning, the 29-year-old man was taken into custody in the town of Fifield, New South Wales.

He was accused of murder and violating an apprehended violence order restriction this afternoon.

Officials indicated that the man is Ticehurst’s former lover.
“The two individuals are acquainted with one another,” Detective Inspector Jason Darcy stated to the press this afternoon.

“We can confirm it’s a former domestic relationship.”

Additionally, Darcy stated it was too early to confirm rumours that the man visited Ticehurst’s place of employment the week before to being transferred on, but police are still looking into them.

The murder scene where her body was discovered was described as “brutal” by the detective inspector.

Darcy remarked, “I was there this morning.”

It was quite severe, in my opinion. My sympathies are with the young lady’s family.”

He went on, “It was horribly violent.”

“I’ve 34 years in the police, a former homicide detective, I’ve been to a few crime scenes and it was quite brutal.”

Police said that Ticehurst’s little child is now “safe” and that she was not at the house where she was discovered.

As their investigation into the alleged murder progresses, police have requested anyone with dashcam or CCTV footage of Young Street in Forbes or Fifield at around two in the morning today to get in touch with them.

Bail for the accused guy to appear in Orange Local Court has been denied.





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