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AustraliaOne week after the terrorist attack, members of the Wakeley church reassemble...

One week after the terrorist attack, members of the Wakeley church reassemble for worship

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

For the first time since Monday’s terrorist attack, members of Sydney’s southwest Christ the Good Shepherd Church have resumed services.

A 16-year-old kid is accused of stabbing Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel during a sermon that was being broadcast live from the Wakeley church.

When other worshippers tried to step in, they were hurt, and Father Isaac Royel received cuts.

Following the incident, hundreds of incensed neighbourhood members launched objects at first responders, damaging police cars in the process of a violent spree.

Parishioners started to return one by one today, under police observation.

According to a churchgoer, the service had a “emotional” tone following the terrorist assault.

“[The attack] was horrible, I don’t want to even think about it,” stated Susan.
“But, this is the first step towards the healing.”

Church leaders brought the congregation together in song and prayer while Bishop Emmanuel and Father Royel recovered from the attack.

Churchgoer Shaia remarked, “This makes us more determined to pray and to pray for everybody.”

Those in the neighbourhood who came out to support the Good Shepard Church had a strong feeling of unity.

A member of another congregation named Mikala remarked, “I decided to pay respects by coming here today out of respect for what had happened to the Bishop and to the religion.”

Minister and local federal member Chris Bowen emphasised that maintaining peace required respect for all religions.

“That respect for each other’s religions, the respect for each others beliefs is absolutely core,” Bowen stated.

The young child was charged with a Commonwealth terrorist offence on Thursday after being questioned by Joint Counter terrorist officials at his nearby hospital.





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