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AustraliaDuring a fishing trip, a shark attacked Adelaide teen and bit his...

During a fishing trip, a shark attacked Adelaide teen and bit his leg

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A fishing trip in South Australia ended dramatically when a teenage kid was bitten by a shark.

The white pointer bit Nathan Ness, 16, this afternoon as he was about to throw it back after he had reeled it in.

Michael Ness, his father, reported that his son suffered “two big gashes” following the event.

“They looked pretty deep so he’s going to have to have stitches,” he stated.

The teenager had spent the entire day fishing close to the Glenelg Tyre Reef with his family.

Around 1:30 pm, the teenager caught a five-foot shark and put it onto their little boat more than two miles offshore.

To release it once more, his father used pliers to remove the hook, but the white pointer was not going to go easily.

“He lifted it up to push it back in the water and it swung around and grabbed onto legs,” the father of the child stated.

“I attempted to only reach into the edges of its mouth because it has rather large teeth, but obviously some of it got on.”

“It happened very quickly because from biting his leg to getting it off was only a few seconds.”

The 16-year-old was on the phone to emergency services while the teenager’s father rushed their boat back to the West Beach ramp.

“Nathan wasn’t making any really scared noises or anything, he was trying to be really calm,” Megan, his sister, said.

After receiving some on-the-spot care, he was sent to the Royal Adelaide Hospital with cuts on his lower leg.

In less than a year, this is the sixth shark bite off the coast of South Australia.

According to the 16-year-old’s father, the experience didn’t make him less of a fisherman.

“He even said as he was getting into the ambulance, can we go out tomorrow?” he stated. “I said ‘I don’t know’.”





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