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AustraliaThe one-punch murderer of Thomas Kelly escapes from custody

The one-punch murderer of Thomas Kelly escapes from custody

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Thomas Kelly, 18, was killed by a single blow to the face in 2012, and the man found guilty of manslaughter has been released from prison.

On Friday night, Kieran Loveridge was granted freedom from Broken Hill jail subsequent to a ruling earlier this month by the NSW State Parole Authority.

At the time, neither Kelly’s parents nor the state protested Loveridge’s release on parole.

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, Kelly’s father Ralph now maintains that they were not provided with information regarding Loveridge’s prison term prior to the submission being made to the parole board.

Ralph Kelly said to the newspaper that the procedure had “blindsided” him.

The matter is being reviewed by the department of prisons.

On July 7, 2012, Loveridge hit Kelly in the face while intoxicated during a night out in Sydney, sending the 18-year-old to the ground and breaking his skull as he tumbled backwards.

Kelly passed away in a hospital two days later.

Loveridge killed Thomas Kelly when he was eighteen years old.

That same evening, Loveridge also attacked four other individuals.

Sydney’s severe lockout restrictions were enacted in part as a result of the tragedy, and they were eventually lifted in 2021.

After an appeal, his original sentence of seven years and two months in jail was raised to thirteen years and eight months.

Of that, 10 years and 6 months were specifically dedicated to Kelly’s manslaughter.

Loveridge was granted parole last year, but the authorities rejected it because they believed that Loveridge’s release would endanger public safety.

Loveridge is prohibited from consuming alcohol, getting in touch with Kelly’s family or his fellow offenders, and traveling to the local government regions of Shoalhaven and the City of Sydney as part of his parole terms.

In addition, he is prohibited from interacting in any way with bikie gangs and from visiting the Neutral Bay district.





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