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AustraliaIn Adelaide, a second guy is accused of killing a 21-year-old male

In Adelaide, a second guy is accused of killing a 21-year-old male

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Around ten in the morning today, South Australian police detained 51-year-old Brian Slann at a residence in Elizabeth East and accused him of killing William Holdback, age 21.

Days after officers visited a property in Adelaide’s northern suburbs on April 13, authorities charged another 27-year-old man with Holdback’s murder. This new arrest follows the initial one.

According to police, on April 10, just before one in the morning, Slann, 51, and the other man went to a residence in Welland.

A man was discovered unconscious on Barrpowell Street in Welland at 1:30 in the morning, prompting the dispatch of emergency personnel.

The man passed away at the site despite the efforts of onlookers to aid him.

Since then, William Holdback, a 21-year-old resident of Flinders Park, has been recognized as him.

According to police, Holdback met both males on Musgrave Street.

After a brief argument, Holdback is claimed to have been stabbed, according to the police.

Police think the two males returned to Elizabeth East via Welland Avenue, South Road, the Port River Expressway, John Rice Avenue, and Main North Road following the alleged murder.

The accused murder weapon, which police believe to be a knife, has not yet been found.

Police in South Australia have encouraged anyone who finds a knife, bloodstained clothing, or other objects along the Elizabeth East to Welland route to get in touch with them.

Slann showed up at Adelaide Magistrates court today after being denied bail.

Additionally, the 27-year-old was denied bail when he showed up in Adelaide Magistrates Court on Monday.





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