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AustraliaMan imprisoned for assaulting his ex-partner's family also mistreated her children

Man imprisoned for assaulting his ex-partner’s family also mistreated her children

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Mark News can reveal that the ex-partner of a courageous Victorian woman who managed to flee horrifying family violence also abused children.

After being imprisoned for assaulting Nadine Hams, her 13-year-old daughter, and another woman, Terry Phillips, a British national, may be deported.

More information regarding the abuse, threats, stalking, and other violent acts that 43-year-old Phillips inflicted on Hams has been made public.

She said last night that although the couple had met online and clicked right away, his domineering and violent behavior had begun to show signs of development within months.

Pictures of Hams’ injuries are given to Phillips during a police interview, but he claimed to the officer present that “this is all made up crap.”

“You slammed her head backwards into the fridge, causing concave dents in the fridge,” said the officer.

Although police encounter family violence far too frequently, Hams’s case had an influence on the cops who assisted in apprehending her perpetrator.

“Nadine’s decision to come forward required a great deal of courage,” remarked a police officer assigned to her case.

Phillips mistreated not just his partners but also the kids.

Although Laykn, the family dog, was never charged with animal cruelty, he was nonetheless not immune to his fury.

During the police questioning, an officer said, “You used to get angry and kick the dog with your steel cap boots on a regular basis.”

According to police, Phillips harassed a number of victims, and there may be more.

In response to numerous allegations pertaining to Hams, her 13-year-old daughter, and another female victim, Phillips entered a guilty plea.

When Phillips started dating and abusing a different woman, he was out on bail due to Nadine’s allegations.

Two other alleged victims’ cases were never taken to court, although one of them moved after claiming she was so severely abused that she was too traumatized to file charges.

Phillips received a sentence of nine months and twenty-one days in prison.

After being freed, he will serve a 15-month community corrections sentence and be expected to perform 200 hours of voluntary labor.

“People are let down by the legal system,” stated Hams.

Phillips escaped trial and received a $1000 fine in 2009 for hitting a janitor inside a Crown Casino elevator.

When the janitor apologized and said he didn’t know how to go to the Yarra River, Philips lost it.

“He seems to have a pattern of behaviour, I don’t think he’ll change” stated Hams.

In spite of everything that has happened, Hams is currently employed as a first responder and serves the community.

“I’ve got three sons, I didn’t want them to think this was normal to go and do this to their girlfriends.”





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