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Australia28-year sentence for a man convicted of drug-related homicide

28-year sentence for a man convicted of drug-related homicide

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A man who went on a drug-fueled rampage, killing one man and kidnapping two more, was given a 28-year prison term.

After an argument, 45-year-old Christopher Hillman shot Jake Williams in the neck and entered a guilty plea.

On September 18, 2021, the two had been at a home in Frankston, which is in Melbourne’s southeast and is frequently used as a “drop-in” for drug use.

Justice Elizabeth Hollingworth of the Victorian Supreme Court ruled on Friday that Hillman must serve 28 years in prison for his offenses.

Included in this were 23 years for murder, 18 months for offenses involving firearms, 6 months for assault, and 5 years for each kidnapping.

An fight erupted between the two guys over remarks Williams made about a friend while they were using meth in a bedroom with other people.

When Hillman reached for a shotgun, aimed it at Williams’ knees, and threatened to fire, the argument became more heated and the other people in the room departed. Hillman pulled a revolver, striking Williams in the neck, killing him as he turned to leave the room.

According to Hollingworth, the murder occurred during a “brief, spontaneous, drug-fueled altercation.” “Williams’ behaviour did not justify resorting to violence, let alone lethal violence,” she stated.

She added that even in the midst of the kidnapping, Hillman had apologized to his victims, but he had shown no regret for killing Williams. 

One person claimed that Hillman had blood on his face and was sorry for shooting the victim before he left the residence after the murder. During a welfare check, police discovered Williams’ body in a pool of blood, which led to a manhunt for the murderer.

According to Hollingworth, Hillman’s lengthy history with the police—which includes being beaten by them as a teenager—had left him nervous. “You can’t moderate mood, experienced brief psychotic episodes … which is worsened by drugs,” she stated. “You frequently believe members of the public are staring at you, plotting with police, or making fun of you,” according to your well-founded dread of the police.

Hillman had already pled guilty to two counts of kidnapping, one count of assault, and one count of handgun possession.

After the incident, he fled from the police and was considered a dangerous person.

He requested that the man who was at the house that night be driven to another residence while brandishing a gun in his face.

High on ice and paranoid six days after the murder, Hillman abducted two innocent persons in Frankston, held them at gunpoint, and insisted on being taken to Seaford.

The male abduction victim is always nervous and doesn’t feel safe living at home anymore.

Hillman eventually turned himself in to police after admitting to shooting Williams at his ex-partner’s house and called them.

After taking narcotics, he was discovered comatose in the home’s attic area by the officers.

According to Hollingworth, the sentences would run partly concurrently for a total of 28 years.

This encompasses the nearly three years that Hillman has completed his service.





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