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AustraliaArrest following home invasion; victim suffered an almost severed hand from an...

Arrest following home invasion; victim suffered an almost severed hand from an axe attack on the NSW Far North Coast

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

On the NSW Far North Coast, a grandfather defended himself against two home invaders, nearly severing his hand, and an armed intruder was slain.

A suspect has been taken into custody. About 8 p.m. on Tuesday, two masked males with axes are reported to have broken into an Oxford Street residence in Kingscliff, a town south of Queensland’s Gold Coast.

Alan Kerr, 66, was attacked by the home invaders, who repeatedly beat him with an axe, partially severing his hand, according to the police.

Before attacking one of the assailants, Kerr was able to protect himself by grasping a knife.

When police got on the scene, they discovered a 29-year-old guy named Trae Laurie lying on the verandah with severe chest knife wounds.

Laurie passed away at the site despite the paramedics’ best attempts5.

After being discovered in a semi-conscious state in the corridor, Kerr was taken to Gold Coast University Hospital on Wednesday morning, where he had surgery.

About 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, authorities said, a 26-year-old man was taken into custody at a Kingscliff residence.

Following his arrival, he was “assisting investigators with their inquiries” at the Tweed Heads Police Station.

Neighbor Ken Rogers said to that Kerr has long been a resident of the neighborhood. Rogers remarked, “He’s got grown girls and they have kids.”

It is acknowledged that Kerr did not personally know his assailants.

Prior to this, Detective Inspector Matt Zimmer stated that authorities were investigating the possibility of a nearby silver Toyota Corolla being connected to the event.

“We have been informed that the occupant, in self defence and in an attempt to protect himself, has armed himself with a knife and struck the deceased to the chest,” added the officer.

“We will be examining the circumstances surrounding the incident, in particular the conduct of the occupant if the conduct was necessary and proportionate to his safety.”

According to Zimmer, authorities were analyzing if the event was an instance of mistaken identity or a robbery gone bad.

“We are seeking public assistance to identify the second male and anyone with information I encourage to come forward and consider the seriousness of this crime by contacting Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000,” Zimmer stated.





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