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AustraliaSenior Hell's Angels members have been detained on various assault counts

Senior Hell’s Angels members have been detained on various assault counts

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In Sydney’s Inner West, two senior Hell’s Angels members have been taken into custody by NSW Police.

Officers from the Organized Crime Strike Force broke into the Chiswick houses of Jason Fahey, 43, a former Bandidos commander who is currently an Angels member, and Tannous Abboud, 40, a fellow biker.

Both males were taken into custody following simultaneous raids on their residences, which are about 100 meters apart, on suspicion of two distinct assaults.

They brought both males to the Burwood Police Station.

According to police, Fahey was part in an assault that happened at Brighton Le Sand on March 20 at around 11 a.m. after a fight following a collision.

The driver of the second car, identified as Fahey, allegedly beat the 50-year-old driver with a hammer and demanded $200,000 in cash before leaving the scene of the collision, the driver told police.

The fifty-year-old was brought to the hospital in a stable state.

In a different incident that occurred on March 26 at a gym in Five Dock, authorities claim that at around 12:30 pm, a “unknown” man—now identified as Abboud—punched and threatened another man with a pole.

At the time, the alleged victim was exercising at the gym.

Fahey was accused of assault causing actual bodily harm while in the company of others, threatening to take property, and disobeying an order directing the digital evidence.

“In view of the nature of the offences… and this was essentially kidnapping and extortion… bail will be refused,” the magistrate informed the court when denying him release.

Charges against Abboud included common assault, affray, and possessing weapons with the intent to commit an indictable crime. Today, bail was granted to him. 





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