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AustraliaA McDonald's employee claims that a gang of teenagers beat her while...

A McDonald’s employee claims that a gang of teenagers beat her while she was at work

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following his alleged assault at the hands of several teens while working for the fast food behemoth, a McDonald’s employee is demanding increased protection from the company.

Two weeks ago, Khoby Dawson, 22, was allegedly attacked while working at the Raymond Terrace McDonald’s in the Hunter region.

Dawson instructed them to take what seemed to be booze outside, which infuriated the group.

Dawson apparently intervened to try to defuse the scene after they allegedly threw silverware at four employees.

“They started getting up in my face and said do you want a fight,” Dawson recalled.

Dawson is shown on CCTV being repeatedly punched by the group as he exits the building in front of the service desk.

Then, in an attempt to defend his friend, his coworker Luke swings a grill scraper at the gang.

“If wasn’t there I don’t know what the outcome could’ve been,” Dawson stated.

“During the whole brawl, my manager was on the phone attempting to get them out, but the cops didn’t show up until 20 to 25 minutes after the altercation.

“What are we supposed to do in that situation?” Only weekends are worked by Dawson, an apprentice plumber, to supplement his income at the fast food restaurant.

He is now pleading with McDonald’s to give employees greater security in the wake of the reported assault.

“I’d like to see changes to the policies and stuff allowing us to lock the front doors to stop a whole crowd of people coming in when we have limited staff on,” he stated.

“It’ll cost them more in the long run if someone gets injured worse than I got injured.”

According to a McDonald’s Australia spokesman, security measures are already in place.

“McDonald’s Raymond Terrace has a number of safety procedures in place including 24-hour CCTV surveillance, alarm systems and security guards on overnight shifts from Friday to Sunday,” a spokeswoman stated.

Regarding the alleged attack, six adolescents, ages 13 to 17, have been charged.





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