28.2 C

AustraliaAdolescent girl on Sunshine Coast punished for torturing another girl

Adolescent girl on Sunshine Coast punished for torturing another girl

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After serving seven months in jail for torturing another adolescent girl on the Sunshine Coast last year, a fourteen-year-old girl will be set free.

Today, the 14-year-old received a sentence for several offenses, one of which being an assault in March.

She was one of three girls accused of the four hours of torture a 13-year-old girl endured after being lured to a house.

The incident, which was recorded and posted online for millions of viewers, showed their victim being pummeled and slashed with a knife.

The fourteen-year-old entered a guilty plea to almost forty offenses.

The victim of the assault suffered severe injuries, and a judge called it “a traumatic and terrifying series of events for the victim”.

The community was outraged since her attacker was free on bond at the time of the offense.

In an attempt to exact revenge, vigilantes set fire to the 14-year-old’s family house.

The youngster was given a suspended sentence by the judge, and she will be released from prison after serving seven months.

For the next three years, she will follow a rigorous reporting regimen under restricted release.





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