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AustraliaEvent cancellation confirmed by the organizers of Splendour in the Grass The...

Event cancellation confirmed by the organizers of Splendour in the Grass The popular music festival

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Splendour in the Grass has announced that it would not take place in 2024.

The revelation was verified by the event organizers in a statement this afternoon.

“With a heavy heart, we’re announcing the cancellation of Splendour in the Grass 2024, originally scheduled from Friday 19 July to Sunday 21 July in Ngarindjin / North Byron Parklands,” organizers wrote on Instagram just after 4pm.

“We understand that many fans were anticipating this year’s lineup and the wonderful musicians who were scheduled to perform with us, but we will be taking the year off due to unforeseen circumstances.

“Ticket holders will automatically receive a refund. We appreciate your patience and promise to make a concerted effort to return in the upcoming years.”

So far, no explanation has been given. 

In an email to ticket buyers and on the event organizer’s Instagram page, Secret Sounds CEOs Jessica Ducrou and Paul Piticco expressed their “heartbreak” at going silent for a year, particularly after more than 20 years in business.

“This festival has always been a huge community effort, and we’d like to thank everyone for their support and overall faith.”We intend to return in the future.

The state’s Minister for Music and Nightime Economy, John Graham, stated that despite efforts to keep the concert going, it was canceled.

“The cancellation of Splendour in the Grass is devastating news,” Graham stated.

“The festival scene in New South Wales is in dire need of attention, as the sector is facing tremendous strain.

“This year, the NSW Government provided financial support to enable the event to take place. We want to see them back next year and will keep working with them.

” A notice of cancellation was emailed to ticker holders at 4:14 PM today. It further said that processing refunds could take up to five business days.

ln July 2024, a three-day festival was planned, featuring Australian acts such as Kylie Minogue, G-Flip, and Tones and I.

Fletcher, Future, and Girl in Red were among the other performers on the lineup.

From 2001 onwards, Splendour in the Grass has taken place every year, with big international acts headlining in its early years.

Past performers include Tame Impala, The Strokes, Mumford & Sons (2010), Kayne West (2011), Lana Del Ray (2012), the Arctic Monkeys and Lily Allen (2007), Coldplay (2003), and more.





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