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AustraliaDavid Speirs disputes any Liberal leadership change following the Dunstan byelection loss

David Speirs disputes any Liberal leadership change following the Dunstan byelection loss

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

With the Dunstan byelection approaching a record loss for the South Australian Liberals, leader David Speirs has refuted rumours that his future is uncertain.

Yesterday’s Mark News indicated that there are issues inside the Liberal Party regarding Speirs’s continued leadership, given Labor’s Cressida O’Hanlon’s predicted victory in the inner-east Adelaide seat.

The opposition leader finally broke his silence today, telling Mark News that he too “canvassed” that very subject but insisted that he is “100% secure” in his leadership.

“If I thought there was someone better to lead this party at this point in time I would step aside,” he stated.

“But my colleagues don’t think that and I don’t either.”

Vincent Tarzia declined to acknowledge or reject a leadership challenge yesterday.

The Hartley member stated today that his priorities were his voters, his family, and being a devoted teammate for the Liberals.

According to sources, Tarzia lacked the necessary numbers to prevail.

“Is Vincent Tarzia surpassed by anyone? Well, my coworkers don’t appear to think so,” Speirs remarked.

The group’s leader acknowledged that internal strife needed to be curbed.

“I’m reflecting on how can we create discipline, how can we appeal to a broader range of people,” Speirs stated.

Both Labour and the Liberals saw a sharp decline in primary votes, so voters are still waiting to find out who will replace former premier Steve Marshall in the seat of Dunstan.

Premier Peter Malinauskas refuted claims that his government was also given a wake-up call by the byelection results.

“We’re just going to keep getting on with the task, the state’s got some really big opportunities for us,” he stated.

Labour will probably win with a huge boost from the Greens, who are predicted to shift their preferences to Labour.

Rob Simms, the co-parliamentary leader of the Greens, expressed his lofty goals for his party. “I think Sturt is now within reach … could snatch Heysen,” he stated.

“Labour and Liberals are sinking like a stone.”





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