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AustraliaA young lawyer who was killed in a crash involving a ride-sharing...

A young lawyer who was killed in a crash involving a ride-sharing driver was granted bail

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Bail has been granted for the rideshare driver accused of numerous offenses related to the fatal collision that claimed the life of Mitch East, a bright young attorney, last weekend.

Zisi Koktatsios, 63, a rideshare driver and former real estate agent, is suspected of being the driver behind the suspected hit-and-run that killed East, a 28-year-old New Zealander, in Tamarama on Sunday.

He was charged yesterday with several driving offenses, such as using a cell phone while prohibited, driving dangerously and negligently, and failing to stop and offer assistance after the collision.

He remained mute outside of court today, but via his attorney, he apologized to East’s family.

Attorney Mohammed Sakr added, “He apologises for the situation.”

“He makes no admissions at this stage and I think today’s question was whether he is a risk to the community – and that assessment was made that he is not a risk.”

According to police, last Sunday around 4 a.m., Kokotatsios was his route to collect up a client and transport them to the airport.

He is accused of running over the lawyer, who was already lying on the road, while he was talking on his phone.

“An audible crash sound could be heard… the vehicle slowed before taking off… if he had stopped he wouldve seen a person lying there dying,” according to the prosecution.

Attorney Kokotatsios did not dispute that his client understood he struck an object, but he asserted that if he had realized he had struck a human, he would have stopped.

“He continued his working obligations… had he known he had hit a person he would’ve stopped and rendered aid and assisted the young man,” Sakr stated.

The defense presented the court with a list of concerns regarding the police case against Kokotatsios, stating that there is insufficient evidence to support the claim that he was using his cellphone in violation of the law despite having it in a holster that was allowed.

The 63-year-old will appear in court once more in May after being granted bail.





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