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AustraliaA 30-year-old man is accused of killing a 22-year-old lady on a...

A 30-year-old man is accused of killing a 22-year-old lady on a Perth street “unprovoked”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

According to authorities, a young woman was killed in Perth in a “unprovoked” incident.

Melanie Kizenga, 22, is said to have been stabbed while out for a stroll with a relative.

A thirty-year-old guy is accused of murder.

Around eight o’clock last night, security footage captures Kizenga and her cousin strolling along Walderton Avenue in Balga, in Perth’s north.

She was allegedly stabbed by a man about 100 metres away, outside Balga Primary School.

Locals hurried to her aid in an attempt to preserve her life. He used a pair of socks to stop the bleeding.

Locals hurried to try to save her life as she was allegedly with another woman who was “crying and screaming,” according to witnesses.

“She was very bad, they were working on her and that, and her friend was screaming and crying and everything, it was very horrible to see,” Lisa, a witness, said.

She was taken by ambulance to Royal Perth Hospital, where she passed away.

The supposed attacker was also pursued by members of the public, who caught him before police arrived.

Jody, a different witness, claimed they forced the man to give up the knife.

“With a baseball bat they knocked it out of his hand cause they were quite fearful as well,” she continued.

As of today, the incident was described by West Australian Police as “violent and completely unprovoked.”

Detective Sergeant Katharine Venn stated, “At this point, we don’t have a motive for that.”

We think there’s a chance the suspect and the other women know one another.

“Everyone deserves to be able to walk safely on our streets and we extend our deepest condolences to the friends and family of the woman who passed away.”





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