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AustraliaReligious cult leader 'Little Pebble' faces accusations related to purported past child...

Religious cult leader ‘Little Pebble’ faces accusations related to purported past child grooming

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

William Kamm, sometimes known as “Little Pebble,” is the leader of a religious cult. He and his companion are accused of grooming children in the past in Sydney.

Strike force detectives started looking into a 19-year-old woman’s allegations last year that the 73-year-old and his 58-year-old partner, who she is acquainted with, had groomed her.

After a search and seizure of the Sydney CBD unit and the religious group’s headquarters in Bangalee, on the NSW South Coast, the couple was taken into custody today.

From the age of six to nineteen, the victim was reportedly groomed for sexual activity, a “horrendous” situation according to Detective Superintendent Jayne Doherty.

“Over that period the child was groomed, she was advised by the religious leader and his partner that she had been selected to procreate with that religious leader and build a new sect,” Doherty stated in a press conference today.

“Police will allege that during a number of years, the male accused was an inmate at a correctional centre and utilised various methods such as phone calls, letters, and using the female accused … to groom that child and gave her gifts and gave her certain directions in relation to the grooming.”

At Day Street Police Station, the religious leader and his partner were each charged with many counts of child grooming.

It was stated that Kamm, who was incarcerated for the violent sexual assault of two minors during the purported grooming, had committed two more acts of disobedience against his supervision order.

They will both appear in Downing Center Local Court tomorrow after being denied bail.

Kamm is the creator of the Order of St. Charbel, a separatist commune with its headquarters located on the South Coast of New South Wales.





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