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AustraliaAs the search for a non-verbal youngster who went missing in Sydney...

As the search for a non-verbal youngster who went missing in Sydney grows, worries grow

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The search for a 12-year-old child who has Down syndrome and autism in Sydney’s southwest has police concerned because he hasn’t been seen since Saturday morning.

Around 10:30 am, Hussein Al Mansoory was observed jogging from Auburn Memorial Park in the direction of the intersection of Station Road and Rawson Street in Auburn.

Later on Saturday night, at around nine o’clock, he was spotted in Auburn near Norval Street.

He did not board a train at the adjacent Auburn Station, according to CCTV evidence.

NSW Police and SES started an aerial and ground search.

Inspector Mark Wakeham made a plea to the public to assist law enforcement in their search for Hussein.

“As you can see, the family is inconsolable,” he stated during a press conference.

“We are requesting that community people be on the lookout. Anybody who can look through sheds and yards would be very welcomed.

“We believe he’s quite scared, he may walk away from members of the community if approached.”

In the hopes of finding Hussein and his family again, locals are participating in the search efforts.
“On it, I received the SMS message. I didn’t see anything when driving around,” a resident said.

On Sunday, police and SES resumed their search in and around Auburn, although they planned to broaden their search area.

Wakeham declared, “Every resource we can deploy is being deployed.”

Wakeham stated that because Hussein is non-verbal and makes the search more challenging, worries were “heightened” for his safety.

Another concern, according to SES Commander Jamie Newman, is the scorching temperatures above thirty degrees.

“The weather is a concern but we’re hoping he’s gone to ground somewhere and is trying to stay out of the heat,” he stated.

Hussein’s description includes a thin body, approximately 140 centimeters in height, short black hair, and a Middle Eastern appearance. White T-shirt was last spotted on Hussein.

It is recommended that anyone with knowledge on Hussein’s location get in touch with Crime Stoppers.





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