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AustraliaThe discovery of a body in a wheelie bin, a Victorian mother...

The discovery of a body in a wheelie bin, a Victorian mother recalled

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A “lovely” woman, Chaithanya “Swetha” Madhagani has been remembered since her body was found in a wheelie bin on a remote road in Victoria.

The mother has been connected to a second crime scene at her home in Point Cook, 86 kilometers distant, after being discovered in a pasture on Mount Pollock Road in Buckley, west of Geelong, yesterday.

A few days before the unsettling discovery, her husband, Ashok Raj Varikuppala, might have taken a plane to India with their three-year-old kid.

Today, police searched their Point Cook house, which was still under investigation, and took a Mercedes.

The backyard’s green waste can was gone, and a high-pressure cleaner was visible close by.

Following their revelation that they had last seen Madhagani at the park with her son more over a week ago, the neighbors expressed their horror at the news.

She was charming, gregarious, and amiable. We are really stunned,” a neighbor exclaimed.

“We saw them playing outside my house, nothing suspicious or anything like that, never heard screaming or anything so very shocking,” Felix Susando stated.

“The husband was quiet … Swetha was different, she was more social, more friendly,” a third party stated.

In India, Madhagani ran a clothes boutique as her husband put in solar power.

Detectives looking into homicide are trying to piece together the couple’s activities prior to Madhagani’s passing.

Victoria Police has simply stated that “it is believed the parties involved are known to one another and the offender may have fled overseas” in its statement regarding the matter, without going into further detail.

Charlie Bezzina, a former homicide detective, said that investigations would be difficult.

“Particularly in India, it’s very prolonged in some cases as we know from previous cases but you have to start the process somewhere,” he stated.

“Sixty-four Australian women were killed in acts of violence last year.”

Psychiatrist Manjula O’Connor described the treatment of women as “tragic” and “immensely sad”.

“Silence can be fatal. As soon as possible, we must end the hush,” she declared.





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