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AustraliaPaying tribute to the Brisbane kid who died in a bus accident

Paying tribute to the Brisbane kid who died in a bus accident

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A teenager who was hit by a bus in Brisbane’s central business district and died is receiving tributes.

Yesterday evening at 5 p.m., during rush hour, Tia Cameron, 18, had just left the beauty salon Milash on the corner of Edward and Ann streets when she was hit by the bus. The bus had climbed the sidewalk and crashed into a building.

At 4 p.m., Cameron, who worked at the elite Brisbane Club, departed the establishment.

Paramedics tried to treat the young woman while emergency services raced to the site.

The cause of the crash is being looked into, and she passed away at the spot.

The teenager arrived at Milash in a “very happy” attitude, according to Milash owner Minh Phan.

Phan remarked, “She was very happy yesterday.”
“So, nothing would have known about it because it happened so abruptly.

“I think it’s very hard for everybody.”

Hemmant, a suburb of Brisbane, is where Cameron was born, according to Queensland Police.

The bus just passed a regular examination, according to Samantha Abeydeera, divisional manager for Transport for Brisbane.

“There was a routine 10,000-kilometre testing of the bus last month” , she stated.

“Now the vehicle will actually go through an engineering investigation to ensure there were no mechanical failures.”

“Very experienced” was how the driver was described.

“We are convinced that we have a very safe fleet, very safe operators,” Abeydeera stated.

“We absolutely take the duty to the city very seriously.”

“I want the people of Brisbane to know, and I particularly want the family and friends of this young woman to know, that Brisbane is a city that is with you now,” stated Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner of Brisbane.

This is a time to acknowledge our shared humanity, show one another kindness, and provide support to one another.

“However, I want to reassure Brisbane residents that we will locate the solutions.

“Every one of those questions will be answered.”

At that moment, there were ten passengers aboard the bus.

The bus driver was among the four who were sent to the hospital; he received treatment for shock and other minor wounds.





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