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AustraliaFour-year-old girl drowns in Adelaide pool, possibly from drowning

Four-year-old girl drowns in Adelaide pool, possibly from drowning

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Broken-hearted neighbours have remembered a mother’s spooky cries upon hearing the tragic news that her young daughter had drowned in an Adelaide backyard pool.

Around 10.20 a.m. on Thursday, Kreya Patel, 4, was dragged unconscious from the water, and emergency personnel hurried to a block of apartments in Klemzig, in the northeast of the city.

Before Patel was sent to Women’s and Children’s Hospital, where she tragically passed away, paramedics tried valiantly to resuscitate her using CPR.

On Thursday afternoon, police continued to be present at the property. As part of their investigation, officers were observed taking pictures of the tragic sight.

‘Crying a lot’ and utterly distraught, the girl’s parents were reported by shocked neighbours.

Pooja Rani, a neighbour, was present for the terrifying moment the girl’s mother found out about the catastrophe.

“Her mother was at work and her dad was the only one home when the girl fell into the water,” she said.

However, I noticed the mother crying as she ran down the street.

“There was a very loud scream when she got to the house later.”

The four-year-old used to play with her children, she continued.

She described her as being quite mischievous.

According to Himanshu Pate, the neighbour next door, the girl’s father was in the backyard tending to the garden at that particular moment.

The pool gate was known to have a high latch.

According to the authorities, there are no suspicious circumstances.

A report will be prepared by the officers for the coroner.

In less than a month, there have been two drowning-related incidents in Klemzig.

On February 16, a four-year-old girl nearly drowned in the River Torrens until she was saved by a good Samaritan and his dog.





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