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AustraliaMan accused of erupting at Adelaide IGA and having it captured on...

Man accused of erupting at Adelaide IGA and having it captured on camera

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A guy had a violent outburst at an Adelaide IGA yesterday afternoon, and he has been charged with theft, assault, hurling missiles, and disorderly behaviour.

About 5:30 p.m. yesterday, Benjamin Devitt, 46, was taken into custody outside the Franklin Street IGA in the Adelaide CBD after employees allegedly attempted to stop him from robbing the grocery store.

The moment Devitt lost control of the shop employees when they approached him was captured on camera.

Devitt is purportedly seen pushing a worker and verbally insulting another on mobile video from the store.

Devitt is heard saying, “You’re about to be sued,” as another worker makes an assistance call.

Amid the chaos, they yelled, “Can we get police to Franklin Street please?”

The public was witnessing Devitt throw objects from across the road as he hurried across Franklin Street.

Devitt was allegedly “saying he had a gun and pretended to shoot and said boom at the store worker,” according to Shannon Hunter, a witness to the commotion.

Store employees monitored Devitt till the police showed up brandishing their weapons.

As police closed in, they apprehended Devitt on Mellor Street.

Devitt faced charges related to theft, violence, hurling missiles, and unruly conduct.

The rise in retail theft, according to the police commissioner, is alarming.

“It is undeniable that there is a rise in retail theft,” stated Grant Stevens, Commissioner of Police in South Australia.

“Shop theft is an emerging issue which I think is reasonably attributed to the cost of living at this point of time.”

Devitt is still being held by the police.

Next week, he is scheduled to appear in court once more, when it will be decided whether or not to grant him bail.





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