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AustraliaKathleen Folbigg's ex-husband Craig Folbigg passes away after a heart attack

Kathleen Folbigg’s ex-husband Craig Folbigg passes away after a heart attack

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Craig Folbigg has away. His ex-wife, Kathleen Folbigg, was cleared of all charges related to the deaths of their four children after serving 20 years in prison.

After having a heart attack on Friday, Mr. Folbigg passed away in Maitland Hospital yesterday. It is recognised that he had cancer as well.

Even after his ex-partner was cleared last year, he insisted until his death that she killed his children.

Ms. Folbigg was found guilty of the murders of their three children, Patrick, Sarah, and Laura, as well as the manslaughter of their eldest, Caleb, who was between the ages of 19 days and 19 months, between 1989 and 1999.

In the 2003 trial, prosecutors claimed that Ms. Folbigg admitted to some of her crimes in her diary and claimed she smothered her children out of frustration.

Additionally, Mr. Folbigg testified against his ex-partner.

However, she was pardoned and freed in June 2023 after fresh scientific data cast doubt on the guilty decision.

Then, after spending two decades in prison, Ms. Folbigg had her convictions overturned by the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal in December of the same year.

Even after being found not guilty, Mr. Folbigg passed away thinking his ex-wife had murdered his kids.

In June of last year, Craig’s attorney Danny Eid stated, “Craig is a shattered man, and his views have not changed about what occurred with his four children.” 

Following the passing of her ex-husband, Ms. Folbigg issued a statement.

“There were only two people on this earth who knew what it felt like to lose Caleb, Patrick, Sarah and Laura,” it stated.





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