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AustraliaPremier of Queensland Steven Miles acknowledges the SMS scandal following a "misleading"...

Premier of Queensland Steven Miles acknowledges the SMS scandal following a “misleading” statement

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Premier of Queensland, Steven Miles, has issued an apology to the legislature for misleading them after published a picture of a text message he had before denied sending.

During a parliamentary sitting last year, Miles denied in front of the legislature that he had texted fellow MP Ali King, requesting that she stand up and apologise for inviting potential Queensland Health staff to email their resumes directly to her.

However, a message from “Steven” was visible on King’s phone in an exclusive image that was taken from another MP. 

After claiming to the parliament that he did not send the message “to the best of my recollection,” Miles was compelled to issue an apology today.

He remarked in parliament, “I therefore wish to correct the record and apologise to the house for the error.” 

“I became aware of my statement being misleading last night when I watched the Channel Nine News.”

Although texting while in parliament is not against the law, deceiving the legislature is among the worst things a politician can do. 

There was a clamour, and the Opposition would not accept his contrition. 

Deputy Opposition Leader Jarrod Bleijie said, “It’s Joe Biden’s defence that he just forgot what he said or what he did to text a member.”

Following Miles’ admission to parliament that he did not send the text, liberal MP Deborah Frecklington has also questioned why King did not reveal Miles.

King has requested that the ethics committee look into the snapshot that another MP took of her phone, which revealed the text message that Miles sent.

“I contend that the member of parliament who engaged in this behaviour acted with grave and intentional disrespect for this body.

Furthermore, that what they’re doing is intimidation,” she remarked.

“Whoever took that photograph, I call on that member to man up, to take responsibility to apologise.”

According to her colleague, the incident was made worse by the fact that a man was involved.

Shannon Fentiman, the minister of health and women, said, “The voyeurs in their caucus to leer over the shoulders of women in this place and take photos of them without their consent.”





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