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AustraliaTeens detained in connection with a spate of arson attacks connected to...

Teens detained in connection with a spate of arson attacks connected to Melbourne’s tobacco war

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Police have detained four adolescents in connection with a series of arson attacks that are connected to the continuing tobacco issue in Victoria.

Taskforce Lunar detectives carried out warrant executions this morning at three residences in Springvale, Mulgrave, and Pakenham.

Police are now going to question a 15-year-old boy from Springvale, a 14-year-old boy from Mulgrave, a 16-year-old girl from Mulgrave, and a 16-year-old girl from Pakenham regarding two arson attacks and an aggravated burglary.

Between Monday, February 19 and Tuesday, February 20, at 7 a.m., there was an aggravated burglary at Wonga Park that resulted in the theft of a silver Ford Ranger and a white Isuzu D-Max, according to the police.

Two days later, there is a suspicion that the Ranger was involved in an arson attack at a Thomastown welcome centre.

Later on, it was discovered burned out at Bundoora.

A St Albans man, 20, was charged with the incident yesterday.

According to police, the other ute was part of a Tuesday arson attempt at a Mill Park eatery.

The restaurant’s front door was forcefully opened, and several criminals were observed getting out of the car, one of them going back inside to take out a jerry can.

According to authorities, every criminal left the scene.

Investigators think that around 3.35 a.m. the following day, at a tobacconist on Ballarat’s Sturt Street, the same ute was used in another arson attack.

The car was discovered to be completely burned out hours later, and the store sustained major damage in the collision.

Graham Banks, a detective inspector, stated that the ages of the teenagers apprehended were alarming.

“We’re seeing these syndicates recruit a range of people – including children – to commit incredibly serious and violent offences,” he stated.

“This remains of significant concern for police, and we will do absolutely everything we can to target those involved in this offending at all levels.”





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