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AustraliaMan's anguish following his fiancé's death from a random stabbing

Man’s anguish following his fiancé’s death from a random stabbing

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A guy opened out about his sadness following the suspected random stabbing death of his fiancé in an Adelaide real estate agency.

Julie Seed, 38, was allegedly killed on December 20 in Plympton by a guy brandishing a hammer and knife.

It was only two days earlier that he had been freed from mental care.

Chris Smith, Seed’s partner, was at home when her coworker called and instructed him to attend to the hospital. 

“But it wasn’t until we got to the Royal Adelaide Hospital that we found out the worst,” he stated.

Smith was left in charge of telling Seed’s daughters and her family who lived abroad of the news.

“That was some of the hardest stuff that I’ve ever had to do but it was just being there for the girls and having to be strong,” he stated. 

“The 20th of every month is going to be hard.”

Nearly two months following Seed’s passing, Smith declared he was resolved to get answers.

He is joined by 50-year-old Susan Scardigno, a coworker of Seed’s who suffered severe injuries while attempting to save her buddy.

The two have visited with the state’s chief psychiatrist and are seeking to know why the alleged attacker was let go from treatment.

“There was obviously some mistakes along the way and Julie was just an innocent person in the wrong place at the wrong time,” Smith stated.

“It could have been prevented, so if we start at the start hopefully we can help.”

There’s also an independent investigation underway. The 30-year-old Shaun Dunk is accused of both murder and attempted murder. 

The neighbourhood has come together to support the bereaved family members, and tomorrow the Highway Hotel will host a fundraiser event to collect money for Smith and Seed’s daughters.





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