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AustraliaWhen a Colombian guy mysteriously vanishes in Melbourne, two are detained by...

When a Colombian guy mysteriously vanishes in Melbourne, two are detained by the police

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The strange disappearance of a 28-year-old man who abruptly departed a dinner party in Melbourne’s CBD in September led to the arrest of two others.

On September 16, at about 8:15 p.m., Colombian national Sergio Cuesta asked a friend to drop him off at a property in Chelsea Heights. There have been no reports of him since.

In connection with Cuesta’s disappearance, four months after his disappearance, Mount Eliza man, 49, and Cranbourne man, 48, have been taken into custody by Missing Persons Detectives.

Police have conducted interviews with the two following the execution of search warrants at homes in Mount Eliza and Cranbourne.

Detective Inspector David Dunstan of the Victoria Police said that although Sergio’s whereabouts are still unknown, the Missing Persons team thought he had passed away.

“Sadly, we do believe at this time that he has met with foul play and is no longer alive,” he continued.

Cuesta left a dinner party in Melbourne’s CBD with pals on September 16, according to police, after getting a call.

Cuesta then requested a ride to a home on Chelsea Heights’ Jabiru Drive from one of his buddies.

A friend dropped him off about 8 p.m., according to the police.

Since then, no one has seen him.

Cuesta typically communicated with his family in Colombia and pals in Australia on a daily basis.

On September 21, after a few days without hearing from him, another one of Cuesta’s worried pals called the police to report him missing.

Cuesta was well-known to law enforcement and had ties to the drug trade in Melbourne.

Cuesta was out on bail at the time of his disappearance due to narcotics crimes, a connection that authorities claimed they were still looking into.

Cuesta’s phone records and bank accounts were examined by local authorities, who verified that he had not left the nation.

His absence was deemed “completely out of character” by the police.

Cuesta had visited Queensland, according to authorities, in the weeks prior to his disappearance.

The reason behind Cuesta’s trip to Queensland is still being looked into by Missing Persons, and they do not yet know why he was left off at Chelsea Heights later on.

The Australian police have released an information request to the Colombian population living in Australia as well as the general public.

“We are particularly appealing for anyone in the Colombian community who has any information, even if it is simply speculation or rumour, to come forward and speak to us” , police stated.





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