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AustraliaThe 'beautiful soul' of the teenager murdered in the Australia Day boat...

The ‘beautiful soul’ of the teenager murdered in the Australia Day boat disaster has been recognised

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The family of a young girl who perished in an Australia Day boat accident in Sydney’s south describes her as “a beautiful soul, so full of life and love,” and they say it would be hard to imagine life without her.

Following the Friday morning collision of two tinnies near the Greys Point boat ramp at Swallow Rock in Sutherlandshire, Darcy Davey-Sutherland, sixteen, passed away.

After suffering severe injuries, Davey-Sutherland was taken to St. George’s Hospital, where she ultimately passed away. 

With two younger brothers, her daughter was “the beacon of light within our family,” according to her father Davey-Sutherland, who lived in both the UK and Australia.

Michael Davey-Sutherland stated, “She was about to embark on the most special part of life as she stepped into adulthood.”
“Words cannot describe the pain we feel at the moment.”

At the time of the collision, the teenager was donning a life jacket.

Online, Davey-Sutherland’s family and friends also posted heartfelt recollections of her.

“I will miss you so much Darc, I feel like I’ve lost a part of me,” stated another.

“I will always love you. Another person remarked, “You will always be missed, my lovely angel. I will never forget our time together.

“I wish that your family will have the fortitude to carry on with their eternally broken hearts and preserve your memory. Rest, lovely girl,” a third person said.

Two sixteen-year-old males were also brought to the same hospital after the crash for required tests.

“The vessels have been seized for examination and an investigation into the circumstance surrounding this incident has commenced,” NSW Police stated.

We’ll write out a report for the coroner.

A GoFundMe campaign has been created “in her honour” to collect money.





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