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AustraliaMany say goodbye to a well-known doctor who was allegedly killed by...

Many say goodbye to a well-known doctor who was allegedly killed by teenagers

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

To say goodbye to a well-known Melbourne doctor who was allegedly fatally stabbed by two youths, almost 600 people turned out.

Today, mourners gathered to commemorate the life of Dr. Ashley Gordon in his hometown of Morwell, in southeast Victoria.

Two 16-year-old boys from Dandenong and Travancore were charged with murder last Thursday by the police in connection with the GP’s stabbing death.

Gordon, the youngest of five children, was loved by his family and friends.

“Ash’s energy was like no other, he had the ability to lift the mood in the room with his infectious smile and booming laugh,” Natalie Gordon, his sister, said.

“You couldn’t help but be happy when you were around him.

“I’ll never get over the loss of my little brother.”

Best friend Tristen Standing addressed the assembly, saying, “Ash was my friend for nearly 25 years, and what I wouldn’t give to have been with him for 25 more.”

“He’d done so much in a short period of time; in high school, he was selected the most likely to succeed, and he did.

“Ash loved everyone in his life and was incredibly devoted to them all. They were his pals, not just acquaintances. They were his patients, not just any old patients.

“He was my best friend, and I’ll remember him for the rest of my life.”

Gordon passed away on January 13 in Doncaster, in the northeast of Melbourne.

When police were summoned to the man’s Sargent Street residence about 5.30 am, they discovered him on Eildon Street following complaints of an aggravated burglary.

It is said that the victim sustained fatal injuries during a confrontation.

The teenage lads are currently being charged with theft, aggravated burglary, and murder.

The youngsters allegedly took Gordon’s black headphones, laptop and gaming PC, car keys, Louis Vuitton wallet and Nike Airforce trainers during the altercation.





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