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AustraliaA Queensland teacher is on trial for child grooming due to student...

A Queensland teacher is on trial for child grooming due to student emails

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Now, a jury will probably review a communication a female instructor sent to herself regarding a boy pupil who is fifteen years old to see if there was any intention to groom a youngster for sexual abuse.

Chelsea Jane Edwards, 28, was brought before the Brisbane Magistrates Court today and assigned to a stand trial on two counts of aiding and abetting the acquisition of a minor for the purpose of sexual intercourse as a carer.

Since police could not determine when a photo of Edwards allegedly engaging in indecent behaviour with a kid was taken, Magistrate Ross Mack dropped the one allegation of indecent photographing a minor against Edwards.

Edwards, a Gold Coast resident from Paradise Point, was employed as an instructor at Indooroopilly State High School at the time of the alleged assaults.

Before the accused victim turned sixteen, Edwards allegedly prepared and saved a draft of an email to herself, according to Hannah Mangione, the crown prosecutor.

“In that email she is saying how fond of the child she is … it goes to her sexual interest and her state of mind at the time,” Mangione stated.

The email, according to Mangione, predicted Edwards’ behaviour in the months that followed, including her joining the same gym that the purported victim frequented and her getting close to his mother and becoming his confidante.

Mack questioned whether someone could be prosecuted for grooming if there had been no physical sex before the purported victim turned sixteen.

According to Mangione, the other person’s status as an adult and their actions at the time supported the charge.

The accused victim claimed he had a “normal student-teacher relationship” prior to her joining the same gym he frequented, according to Edwards’ attorney Alex Somers, and there was little to no indication of any attempt to groom him.

“Around a month after he turned 16 he had a conversation with in the gym car park where he told her about his feelings towards her, which made her open up to him a little bit more,” Somers recalled.

Somers stated According to the alleged victim’s statement, Edwards responded that she wasn’t sure whether it was acceptable that he thought she was attractive and that she felt uneasy about the idea.

According to the accused victim, he started kissing Edwards and they talked about whether it was a good idea and if they should stop.

“He said the relationship turned sexual … he expressly disavowed (Edwards) being predatory or aggressive towards him in any way and he denies being taken advantage of,” Somers stated.

Mack informed Edwards that he believed there was enough evidence to prosecute her.

The continuation of Edwards’ release came with a requirement that she not speak to the accused victim or his family.

On an unspecified date, Edwards will stand trial in the District Court on the allegations of grooming minors.





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