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AustraliaRugby player Beale is on trial with a jury for a pub...

Rugby player Beale is on trial with a jury for a pub sex assault

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

As they get ready to hear claims that Wallabies star Kurtley Beale sexually assaulted a woman at a pub, jurors have been advised to maintain an open mind.

The 28-year-old lady, who is anonymous for legal reasons, is accused of being sexually assaulted and touched by the 35-year-old rugby union player.

The alleged assaults took place in December 2022 at the Beach Road Hotel, which is close to Bondi Beach.

Beale has entered a not guilty plea to two counts of sexual touching and one count of having sex without permission.

In Sydney’s Downing Centre District Court, a jury was empanelled on Monday morning for a trial that is anticipated to last ten days.

Prior to non-consensual oral sex occurring in a men’s restroom cubicle, Beale is alleged to have touched the complainant in the public bar, according to crown prosecutor Jeff Tunks.

Margaret Cunneen, SC, Beale’s attorney, informed the jury that some members of the public jumped to conclusions about athletes who were charged with crimes.

“That’s not the sort of person who we need on our juries in this state,” she stated.

Ms. Cunneen urged the jury to remain open-minded, stating that the charges against Beale had to be determined by the evidence that was put forth.

According to Ms. Cunneen, the CCTV footage that will be shown to the jury will contradict certain of the accusations made against Beale.

Monday morning saw the empanellement of a jury consisting of seven women and five men. On Tuesday, the complainant’s witness testimony and opening statements will be presented, along with CCTV footage.

Beale is deemed innocent, according to Judge Graham Turnbull, and the prosecution must prove its case against him beyond a reasonable doubt.

Due to shortened sitting hours on public holidays, the trial will probably last three weeks.

The Waratahs and Wallabies back has played for French team Racing 92 and English club Wasps in addition to making 95 appearances for Australia.





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