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AustraliaFive are accused with a spree of home invasions in Melbourne

Five are accused with a spree of home invasions in Melbourne

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following several violent home invasions in Melbourne’s west last year, police have charged and detained five persons.

For the purported home invasions that occurred between May and November, police accused five teenagers with more than 140 offenses over night.

Following raids in December, police first took eight young men into custody before filing charges against five teens.

Each of the three eighteen-year-old men faces charges ranging from many counts of aggravated home invasion, burglary, theft of a motor vehicle, and intentional injury.

Two teenagers, ages 16 and 17, were accused of over 45 offenses, including automobile theft and violent home invasion.

Albanvale, Keilor Park, Altona Meadows, Sunshines, Braybrook, Kings Park, St. Albans, Sunshine West, Deer Park, and Delahey are among the communities where the purported house invasions took place.

Numerous vehicle thefts and home invasions were among the claimed crimes.

A man resident of Braybrook suffered severe injuries to his hand in an alleged incident on November 11.

On November 26, there was another reported incident at Delahey that resulted in a man resident suffering severe facial injuries.

This month, police also detained and charged a 28-year-old Kurunjang man with growing and having cannabis during the warrants.

He was given a bond and told to show up in Sunshine Magistrates’ Court on April 22, 2024.

After being taken into custody, a 17-year-old kid was released on a summons.

The courts granted bail to two of the eighteen-year-old men from Footscray and Caroline Springs, who will appear in court later this year.

The third 18-year-old man from Caroline Springs was placed on remand with an appearance in court scheduled for March.

The accused males, ages 16 and 17, were released on bond with instructions to appear in children’s court later.





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