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AustraliaMan who became well-known on social media as a Sydney balloon artist...

Man who became well-known on social media as a Sydney balloon artist passes away in a diving accident

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After Vincent Huang, also referred to as the “Sydney Balloon Man,” passed away earlier this month in a free diving mishap off the coast of Tasmania’s King Island, friends have paid their respects.

Friends remember the 43-year-old as a “sincere, good friend” who made many people happy and smile. She was also known for being a viral street performer who would dance around Sydney’s Central Business District with a huge blue balloon.

Huang has been playing in Sydney’s central business district in recent years.

Huang would set up on a yoga mat, stuff his whole body into a pliable blue balloon, and then bounce and bop to upbeat music, usually “Crazy Frog” by Axel F.

Onlookers would observe with a mix of happiness and confusion.

Taiwan-born Huang is thought to have started performing in Sydney as early as 2019.

He was reputed to be a skilled free diver as well.

Huang perished while visiting King Island for a diving trip.

Just before 11:30 a.m. on January 7, emergency personnel were summoned to Johnson Rock, a diving location on King Island’s western side.

They were reacting to rumours that Huang was having trouble in the water.
As other dive trip participants tried to resuscitate Huang, he was pulled out of the water.

Huang tragically passed away there.
There is currently no information regarding Huang’s cause of death, and a report is being written for the Tasmanian Coroner.

After travelling from Taiwan to Hobart to retrieve Huang’s ashes, Huang’s family left for home.

His friend, who wished to remain unidentified, said, “To most people, he is known as the street performer Balloon Man in Melbourne and Sydney.”

“We consider him to be an accomplished hunter, fisherman, free diver, and skier.

“His cheerfulness and generosity were infectious to many, many people.”





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