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AustraliaPolice look for adolescent females following fire at a dance school in...

Police look for adolescent females following fire at a dance school in Melbourne

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Three teenage women are being sought by police after it was claimed that they were seen on camera lighting sparklers outside a dance school in Melbourne, nearly burning the structure and themselves on fire.

The three young ladies are accused of starting a minor fire after being seen by CCTV at Brighton’s Theatre De La Danse parking lot.

The principal of the school announced that while police look for individuals who are responsible, unhappy students have been ruled out as suspects.

The girls can be seen trying to light the fireworks on CCTV for a little while before they back off and something explodes.

After rushing off, the girls can be seen coming back a minute later and dousing the fire with liquid.

After that, the footage shows people kicking and stomping on flames as they try to put out the fire near the dancing studio’s entrance and parking lot.

It is said that the unidentified criminals left matches and fireworks behind while they recorded their antics about 9.30 on a Tuesday night.

Principal of Theatre De La Danse Rachael Shiels stated the girls looked like they had hundreds of sparklers.

Shiels said, “It just seems absurd to me.”

“I hope they can find the girls and at least talk to them about how this could have ended up.”

Shiels, who has been in charge of the dancing school for many years, insisted that the girls were neither present or past pupils looking for payback for a solo that they had failed.

“We are not that kind of dance school,” she stated.

“And the girls don’t look familiar at all.”

Although the dancing school was left charred, no significant damage was done.

Police are looking into whether the claimed sparklers used in the incident were taken from a Brighton Woolworths on Church Street, which is close to the dancing school.

Walking in the direction of Middle Brighton Station, the girls were last seen.

According to the police, the matter is still being investigated.

“It is believed three unknown female offenders set fire to the outside of a business on Male Street about 9.30pm,” police stated.

“The offenders then used water bottles to put out the blaze.”

“No one was injured however the building sustained minor damages.”





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