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AustraliaMelbourne doctor's death has brought two teenage lads before a court

Melbourne doctor’s death has brought two teenage lads before a court

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Two adolescent lads are accused of killing a well-known Melbourne doctor last week, according to charges made by police today.

Yesterday, the 16-year-old males were taken into custody.

When the two appeared in court for the first time, they were dressed in hooded jumpers. It was then revealed that one of them had denied his parents access to him during the police interview.

Ash Gordon was stabbed to death, and this morning the teens from Dandenong and Travancore were charged with the crime.

Gordon passed away last Saturday in Doncaster, in the northeast of Melbourne.

When police were summoned to the man’s Sargent Street residence about 5.30 am, they discovered him on Eildon Street following complaints of an aggravated burglary.

It is said that the victim sustained fatal injuries during a confrontation.
The teenage lads are currently being charged with theft, aggravated burglary, and murder.

The prosecution informed the court that they had not been able to identify the boy whose parent or guardian had refused to allow them to be present during his police interrogation.

The youngsters allegedly took Gordon’s black headphones, laptop and gaming PC, car keys, Louis Vuitton wallet and Nike Airforce trainers during the altercation.

The GP was a respected and well-liked member of the community.

Following the arrests, Dakota Nagel, his girlfriend, made a statement.

“He was the light of my life, he was irreplaceable,” she stated.

“I have never encountered someone as lovely, compassionate, understanding, and patient as he was.

“I’m glad I spent my life with him.”

Natalie Gordon, Gordon’s sister, expressed her relief upon the lads’ charges.

“These are two young boys, they’re not even men yet,” she stated.

“Nothing will ever bring Ash back and nothing will take away that hole that is in our family,” I said, feeling both fury and a fresh surge of loss at the same time.

Superintendent Janet Stevenson stated that copious police investigation preceded the arrests.

“The Homicide Squad investigators have been working nonstop since this incident happened on Saturday, collaborating with our regional colleagues and specialised teams to identify, track down, and capture the people who are accountable for this tragedy.

In connection with the matter, we have now charged those individuals,” he declared.

“We are aware that Ash’s loved ones are in mourning. We hope that this arrest may ease some of their suffering, but it will not remove the misery of this terrible circumstance.

“We will continue to provide all the support they require during this difficult time.”





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