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AustraliaMan accused of damaging a Woolworths in Brisbane

Man accused of damaging a Woolworths in Brisbane

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After Woolworths decided to stop selling Australia Day items, police in Brisbane arrested and charged a 40-year-old man for destruction of a Woolworths store. 

Yesterday morning at 5.10 a.m., police were called to the Woolworths Metro on Commercial Road in Teneriffe after a flare triggered a fire alarm.

There, authorities found graffiti that said, “5 days 26 Jan Aussie Oi Oi Woollies F— U” and “Boycott Woolworths” all over the storefront.

Later, at around 7:45 p.m., police in Fortitude Valley detained a 40-year-old Ormiston man.

One count of deliberate damage and one count of deliberate damage caused by graffiti have been brought against him.

On February 21, he is scheduled to appear at Brisbane Magistrates Court.

The public was commended by the police for their help.

The event happened a week after Woolworths declared that it will no longer be selling Australia Day goods on its shelves because of a drop in customer enthusiasm.

In reaction to a broader discussion concerning the function and importance of Australia Day, Leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton recommended that consumers boycott the large grocery chain.

Ahead of an investigation into grocery costs, the government has also focused on Australia’s retailers.

But according to Woolworths, there was “no reason for vandalism”.

A spokeswoman added today, “Thankfully, no team members or customers were injured as this occurred before the store opened.”

“There’s no reason for vandalism and we’ll continue to liaise with Queensland Police.”

Anyone with information is asked to get in touch with Policelink while the investigations are still ongoing. 

As January 26 draws closer, Aldi announced that it would likewise stop carrying Australia Day merchandise in response to Woolworths’ move.

Coles claimed that it will continue to provide a “limited selection” of themed goods.





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