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AustraliaA man was discovered dead on a Melbourne street following a "tragic"...

A man was discovered dead on a Melbourne street following a “tragic” break-in

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Early this morning, there was a home invasion, and a man was discovered dead on a Melbourne street.

Around 5:30 in the morning, police discovered the 33-year-old man’s body on Doncaster’s Eildon Street.

It is understood that before the resident pursued the criminals in his car, they broke into his flat on neighbouring Sargent Street.

His body was discovered less than a km from his residence.

His partner was on the phone with the police as he was pursuing them.

The victim suffered horrifying injuries, and homicide police are looking into whether the stabbing and subsequent automobile crash were the cause of it. They called the situation “tragic.”

Shoes and laptops were taken from the flat.It was seen that forensic investigators were working at the scene.

A black Mercedes AMG stopped a few metres from the man’s body, and a little trail of blood was visible on the road.

There haven’t been any arrests made yet.

Inspector Carrie Kohler stated, “The Homicide Squad is actively engaging with anyone that was at the house at the aggravated burglary.”

Police have been talking to residents door to door since the body was found this morning in an effort to gather further information.

According to Kohler, the conditions were terrible for the victim’s family as well as the town.

“I want to reassure the public that we have increased our presence within the community and we will continue to do so,” she stated.

“Our thoughts are with not only family, but with friends, and the community.”

Any CCTV footage or information that could help with their investigations was requested by the police.

Kohler said, “Please get in touch with us.”

The neighbours, who wished to be unidentified, described the house’s occupants as “really nice people.”

He said that late last night, he witnessed a bunch of teenagers hanging around the victim’s house with torches.

Since then, the Homicide Squad has had access to CCTV footage.

There has been notification to the coroner’s office, and police presence in the area will be increased during the night.





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