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AustraliaPeter Dutton demands a boycott of Woolworths following the decline in Australia...

Peter Dutton demands a boycott of Woolworths following the decline in Australia Day products

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Peter Dutton, the leader of the opposition, advised customers to “boycott Woolworths” following the retailer’s announcement that it will no longer offer goods in honor of Australia Day.

The Woolworths company, which owns Big W, claimed that the reason the retail products were taken off the shelves was a “decline” in consumer interest.
Dutton has now criticized the massive retailer.

“I believe it is up to the people to decide if they wish to enter and purchase the item or not. “I think people should boycott Woolworths, but if they don’t want to celebrate Australia Day, then that’s their choice,” he said on Nine’s 2GB radio.

Since Woolworths hasn’t followed suit and hasn’t ceased selling Australia Day items, I believe Australians ought to boycott the retailer.

“I think (Woolworths chief executive) Brad Banducci should come out and announce that he’s reversing the decision.”

Woolworths stated that it will continue to sell Australian flags at Big W, a year-round business.

A Woolworths Group representative stated, “We don’t have any additional themed merchandise available to purchase in-store in our supermarkets or BIG W ahead of Australia Day.”

“At the same time there’s been broader discussion about 26 January and what it means to different parts of the community.”

Coles, a rival retailer, declared that it will keep selling Australia Day items.

“We are stocking a small range of Australian-themed summer entertaining merchandise throughout January which is popular with our customers for sporting events such as the cricket and tennis, as well as for the Australia Day weekend,” said a spokesman.

As opinions about celebrating Australia Day on January 26 change, several local authorities have decided not to hold the holiday. 





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