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AustraliaA murderous scheme against the Western Sydney rap group OneFour has resulted...

A murderous scheme against the Western Sydney rap group OneFour has resulted in arrests

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Due to an alleged plot to kill four members of the Western Sydney rap group OneFour, two males have been placed under custody.

According to police, a different criminal syndicate hired two members of a known criminal group to assassinate four members of the Mount Druitt rap group.

In connection with the purported murderous scheme, two individuals, ages 20 and 26, were taken into custody today. According to the police, two more persons are anticipated to be taken into custody and charged.

At 6:10 a.m. today, search warrants executed in Sydney resulted in the men’s arrest.

A warrant has been issued by the police for the fifth man, who they believe to be abroad.

According to Detective Superintendent Peter Faux, the four targets were the subjects of social media follow-ups and surveillance by the criminal organisation.

According to investigators, they have been aware of the purported conspiracy since the close of 2023. 

Superintendent Faux stated, “There are several things we’ve done overtly to stop this from happening.”

The goal here is to destroy organised crime networks, not to interfere with them.

“If anyone is involved in these serious crimes, if anyone thinks they can profit from serious crimes, they will be identified and prosecuted.”

The group hired to kill them was acting for financial gain, according to the police, and they had no personal issues with the targets, though they stated they were still investigating the reason behind the alleged murderous plot.

“Obviously, we are trying to get to the bottom of the motive of these four males, we’re looking at everything in respect of that.”

Commander of the State Crime Command’s Robbery and Serious Crime Squad, Detective Superintendent Joseph Doueihi, stated that investigators thought the same group was responsible for an alleged March attempted kidnapping of a man in an apartment block in Ryde.

The Ryde apartment complex had more than 722 kg of cocaine, which the police believe the group was aware of. 

The 26-year-old and the 20-year-old are anticipated to face charges related to conspiracy to murder, kidnapping, armed robbery, firearm offences, and large-scale commercial supply of illegal drugs.





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