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AustraliaTeacher in South Australia is "in good spirits" following her survival of...

Teacher in South Australia is “in good spirits” following her survival of a shark attack

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After undergoing emergency surgery, a surfer who survived a shark attack off the coast of South Australia is apparently “doing well”.

Murray Adams, 64, was bitten on the leg by a shark yesterday in Elliston, northwest of Port Lincoln, and had surgery to save his life.

Adams was fortunate to have survived the attack, according to the school teacher’s friends, as he had sustained severe injuries to his upper leg.

The math teacher from the neighborhood had been surfing at a break known as Blacks, which has a long history of shark sightings.

The attack yesterday took place a few hundred meters offshore at around 1pm.

Adams managed to kayak in and climb the bluff despite bleeding profusely. A friend then drove him to the nearby hospital, where he was airlifted to Adelaide.

Friend Geoff Goulden said, “He got attacked after he caught a wave at the end of the wave.”

“He yelled out to the other bloke shark shark.”

Adams is doing well after having emergency surgery.

Chad Fleming, another friend, felt he was fortunate to have survived.

“Thankfully Murray doesn’t have too serious injuries and he’s going to make a full recovery,” he stated.

In less than a year, this attack marks the sixth occurrence in the state.

At Yorke Peninsula’s Ethel Beach, fifteen-year-old Khai Cowley perished two weeks ago after being attacked by a white pointer while surfing.

Simon Baccanello, a local educator and Adams’ coworker, was slain by a shark at Elliston last May.

After two teachers from the same school were attacked in a few months, the neighborhood was completely shocked.

It’s near to home, Fleming remarked.

“Shark attacks are never nice, it certainly does feel like there’s a bit of a trend at the moment.”

Today, a surfer was observed surfing at the break, staying tight to the small rock ledge, despite the “beach closed” signage.





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