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AustraliaWoman accused of poisoning her parents was detained again due to purported...

Woman accused of poisoning her parents was detained again due to purported bond violations

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A lady who was charged with poisoning and killing her own elderly parents has been re-arrested on multiple charges of violating her bail.

After being prosecuted in connection with the deaths of her father, Lynton Anderson, and mother, Brenda Anderson, who passed away a year apart, Raelene Polymiadis was placed under stringent home detention terms.

She is charged with using her own insulin to kill them. Her father passed away in April of last year, and her mother passed away in 2022.

The sixty-three-year-old was returned to jail today following her shopping excursion. She was only allowed to leave the house for doctor’s appointments under the terms of her bail.

After a protracted month-long legal struggle, Polymiadis was placed under house arrest in August because of concerns that she wouldn’t be able to adequately manage her type 1 diabetes while incarcerated.

Her family posted hundreds of thousands of dollars as bail, and one of her harsh requirements was not to speak to her three siblings.

However, when police showed up at her door on Friday, they claimed she had broken her bail five times in the previous few weeks, once going so far as to go “strolling” to the local stores.

Polymiadis said she was going to a pharmacy, but the magistrate today ruled it was untrue because CCTV footage revealed she didn’t visit either of the two chemists at Ingle Farm Plaza.

Additionally, according to the prosecution, she repeatedly stopped her car at different addresses to make phone calls and would not reveal the identity of an unidentified woman who had entered her vehicle.

The magistrate who heard the case granted Polymiadis bail once more in spite of learning about the alleged breaches.

Due to an appeal by the prosecutors, Polymiadis will stay in detention for the next 72 hours until she appears before the Supreme Court to rebut her charges.





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